The outer worlds roseway
The outer worlds roseway

the outer worlds roseway

My Beloved Smother: The insane advertising version of one.The endgame reveals that this is done out of desperation rather than decadence, as not only are the Earth crops warped by Halcyon soil, but humans can barely ingest any nutrition from the system's plantlife. It's mentioned earlier that crops imported from Earth do exist in the system, so it would appear that their insistence on trying to mine some utility out of the hostile and uncooperative flora and fauna of Halcyon is the company either being filled with these or corner-cutting cheapskates. Labcoat of Science and Medicine: Most of their employees have one of these.Evil Plan: They're manufacturing diet toothpaste with an appetite suppressant so they don't have to feed their workers.In the meantime, they don't kill their employees randomly or out of incompetence they murder under-performing divisions to encourage the survivors. They've come to the rational conclusion that their workers are going to starve to death anyway, and intend to make as much profit off of their deaths as possible. Most of the corporate evil in the system is largely explainable by Hanlon's Razor, with a mix of idiocy and short-sighted greed. Evil, Inc.: They're a unique example of this.Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Auntie Cleo's takes Green and bright red as her colors, and all her guards and scientists wear some version of it on their order to perfect a new line of dental gel. Animal Testing: The Auntie Cleo's research lab at Roseway has a fortified lab where they're experimenting on a pack of raptidons.

the outer worlds roseway

It can be outright impossible to max out reputation with them if the player either steals any of their research to pawn off to Gladys, or even if they just explore Roseway thoroughly without interacting with Crane first to get the context of the place since he'll be the one to tell you that killing the raptidons in their research facilities will not endear you to his employers. 100% Completion: Given the extremely narrow narrative window the player has to interact with this faction, the opportunities to cozy up to Auntie Cleo's are aggravatingly slim.Auntie Cleo's specializes in providing food and pharmaceuticals. A subsidiary of Kolway Pharmaceuticals, one of the major corporations operating in Halcyon.

The outer worlds roseway